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Aaron Edgar

Contact Information

Email aaron@edgarchanalaw.com
Phone 647-478-9705
Address 334 Adelaide St. W., Suite 205, Toronto, ON M5V 0M1
Date Joined On FlatLaws.com since June 11th, 2014

Services Offered

Profile photo for Aaron Edgar

U.S. Provisional Patent Application

Offered in: Toronto

Filing of a United States provisional patent application, including taxes and government filing fees.

Profile photo for Aaron Edgar

Is your Idea patentable?

Offered in: Toronto

Determine if your idea is eligible for patent protection. Prior art search and meeting to discuss results. Excl. tax/disbursements



Profile photo for Aaron Edgar Patent Lawyer and Registered Patent Agent
Why Choose Aaron?
  • Patent Expertise: Aaron has over a decade of experience working exclusively in patent law and has worked with the country's top patent law firms. His experience drafting and prosecuting patent applications will provides you with a patent application that will protect and promote your business interests.

  • Technical Expertise: Having an electrical engineering degree, engineering work experience, and patent experience in a wide array of technology areas allows Aaron to quickly understand his client's invention so that it can be protected properly.

  • Cost: Aaron's expertise and client service rivals that of large or specialty law firms at a fraction of the cost.