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Olanyi Parsons

Contact Information

Email oparsons@oplaw.ca
Phone 416.628.5524
Address 330 Bay St., Suite 1400, Toronto, Ontario
Date Joined On FlatLaws.com since October 25th, 2013

Services Offered

Profile photo for Olanyi Parsons

Review of Severance Package

Offered in: Toronto

Review of a severance package and a consultation for one hour to discuss legal entitlements.

Profile photo for Olanyi Parsons

Review of Employment Contract

Offered in: Toronto

Review of an employment contract and a consultation for one hour to discuss legal implications.

Profile photo for Olanyi Parsons

Review of Severance Package

Offered in: Brampton

Review of a severance package and a consultation for one hour to discuss legal entitlements.



Profile photo for Olanyi Parsons OP Law is a results oriented law firm who strives to achieve optimal solutions while providing quality client services. Olanyi Parsons is the principal lawyer of OP Law. Olanyi has worked in the field of human rights, labour and employment since the year 2003 when he worked at the Ontario Human Rights Commission as an Investigator. Olanyi graduated from the University of Windsor Law School in the year 2009. He was the recipient of the McTague Law Firm Award for Excellence in Employment and Labour Law. Olanyi then worked in a full service law firm in downtown Toronto where he practised human rights, labour law and employment law, as well as civil litigation. Olanyi is respected for his resolute advocacy and ability to negotiate a fair and reasonable settlement in a cost efficient manner. My hourly rate is $275.00 per hour.